
Someone would snatch them up !!!

Someone would snatch them up !!!

Ivy It looks like someone wants to buy the shoes I'm selling.
Larry Wow! That was quick. You only had them for sale for less than a day.
Ivy That's because they're designer. I knew someone would snatch them up. How do I get the money from them?
Larry That part's a piece of cake. They can transfer the money into your account.
Ivy What information do I give them?
Larry Just give them your account number, bank number, and then they can transfer it at any ATM machine.
Ivy Cool. Once I get the money, I'll send them the shoes.
Larry Seems like your "babies" have found a new home.

Explanation :
Snatch - to take hold of something suddenly and roughly
Example : He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.


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